A big chunk of business expenses is usually payroll. Every business needs a reliable, accurate system of measurement to precisely compute payroll, per project cost, measure productivity and more.
Our 3G Biometric solutions afford you the opportunity to record, track, measure and calculate all the pertinent details relating to your employees in a valid, credible and secure way.
Our 3G attendance solutions are on the cutting edge of technology. We employ the foremost in fingerprinting mechanics, which is tamper proof and vital for the cost-effectiveness of your business. With our automated system there is no bias and no scope for employee error. You can have a completely objective report on your employees. Our biometric scanner identifies your personnel through their exclusive fingerprints and logs details such as entry time, exit time, time between lunch breaks and more.
Our clients are often surprised by the possibilities we present to them; by thinking outside the box we present exciting new ventures:
- REDUCES COST – By using our digital system you can minimize administrative costs, decrease payroll overheads, and reduce the need for resetting passwords, replacing ID cards and more.
- REDUCES PAYROLL ERRORS – Since the system is completely computerized there are no manual entries and hence no chance of human-error. The system can be customized to compute man-hours spent per project, task or client and hence any user errors in number crunching are also avoided.
- PREVENTS FRAUD – Fingerprints are unique signatures that are absolutely exclusive even for twins. Hence a 3G-attendance solution removes instances of “ghost employees” or “buddy clocking” monumentally reducing your payroll payout.
- PROVIDES EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE METRICS – Our customizable system provides clear consistent trend reports on employee performance, productivity, efficiency and more. These are very handy while auditing the key performance metrics of the business, performance appraisal meetings and more.
- 24/7 PROTECTION – 3G Biometrics add a strong layer of security to your business. They use identifying patterns that are exclusive and non- replicable i.e. fingerprints. Hence our system is the most efficient and competent in the market for instituting protective measures.
Our clients are often surprised by the possibilities we present to them; by thinking outside the box we present exciting new ventures:
- ACCURATE REPORTING – With our digital system you get an error-free, expansive and detailed accounting of your employees attendance, absence, time per project, time per client per project and more. The reports are computerized and factual, giving you concrete information about your business processes and personnel.
- SECURE INTERFACE & SECURE DATA – Our 3G Biometric systems are revolutionary units that make use of GPRS to instantly transmit consistent data to a cloud server. Our tamper-proof system is capable of handling large volumes of information regardless of the size of the business. The cloud-based server that handles all the information is unassailable and shielded from prying eyes.
- COMPLETE PACKAGE – Our 3G Attendance Solutions incorporate all functionality from managing clocking of employees to uploading data to a user-specified payroll package. It automates the entire process taking out the stress at crunch time and provides you with authentic, credible computations.
- CUSTOMIZABLE ABUSE PROOF SYSTEM – Our 3G system is a fail-safe constantly updating and refreshing input data. The information available to you is always real-time. There are no manual inputs and hence no chances of user error. It’s a completely secure way to measure and manage your payroll data. Our experts can tail-make a solution that address your specific hardware and software needs.